Baby Milestones: When Will Baby Do What!?!
Brooks has just turned 10 weeks old... or young I should say! He is very smiley, lifts his head and can turn it from side to side when having tummy time, coos when he is on his own, and seems to almost try to get words out (cute random, sounds really) while making intense eye contact. As a new mom, I can't help but wonder, when he will laugh, roll over, crawl, walk, talk, etc. From my reading I have learned developmental milestones are grouped into the following categories: physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language. A great app I have been using for the last month or so is called, "The Wonder Weeks."
To learn about baby milestones, I have done a YouTube interview with GP, Dr. Jill Gamberg from Double Bay Doctors. The video is below. She has also given us a few bullet points for reference.
· moves whole body
· getting more control of their heads – lifting head in tummy time
· starting to roll from side to side
· smiling after 6 weeks
· crying - can be a lot
· tracking with eyes slow moving targets, patterns, faces
· soothed by low rhythmic noises or voice
MILESTONES – 4 – 8 months :
· making efforts to sit alone
· good head control
· rolling from back to front
· starting to crawl
· smiles, recognizes familiar people
· copying sounds, babbles
· enjoys games like peek a boo
· sleeping better
· developing food preferences
MILESTONES – 8- 12 months :
· sitting alone
· pulling up to stand using furniture
· cruising around furniture
· some even start walking
· feeding self with hands, can pick up spoon but poor aim
· grasping toys and changing from hand to hand – starting to use grips
· babbles tunefully, words like dada or mama
· waving goodbye
· showing signs of stranger danger
Photos: Anna Kooiman, Brooks, Baxter, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, Emma Wand Photography