Postnatal Fitness No No's! Which Exercises to Stay Away From and Which Ones are OK?

Elizabeth Evans Lyz Evans Women in Focus Physiotherapy Sydney, Australia women's physiotherapist diastasis recti pelvic floor health strength weakness anna kooiman postnatal prenatal fitness strong sexy mammas new york charlotte moms mamas mommas mu…

Postnatal Fitness No No's! Which Exercises to Stay Away From and Which Ones are Okay? Abs separation (diastasis recti) and pelvic floor weakness are just a couple of the lasting effects pregnancy leaves behind. Jumping into high impact fitness and certain abs exercises are very bad for postpartum recovery. Anna Kooiman, creator of Strong Sexy Mammas (online workouts for moms), takes you to a women's physiotherapist to see which exercises we should stay away from after having a baby. And which exercises are good! Check out to work out with international TV host and fitness instructor, Anna Kooiman.

This may surprise you…. Sit-ups are a bad idea for some new moms. Same goes for full planks. But why you ask? If we want a flat tummy, aren’t these exercises normally winners? Well the majority of new mammas have some degree of abs separation (many don’t even know it). Doing incorrect abs exercises can actually lead to more of a belly rather than less! Don’t sabotage your exercise success.

Watch my interview with the principal women’s physiotherapist, at Women in Focus Physiotherapy. Elizabeth ‘Lyz’ Evans is not just a women’s health expert, but also a rockstar mum of two. Aren’t they cuties? If you live in Sydney, Australia, I highly recommend paying her a visit!

The above video is just a snippet of a very complex topic, that differs for everyone. Please stay tuned for more of my interview with Lyz Evans. The mind, body connection for activating the correct muscles can be difficult, particularly after childbirth. Your carer can help you perform these exercises correctly by showing you exactly what you’re doing using an ultrasound.

The information on and is educational in nature but not one size fits all. If you want to get the full picture, and know if you have the right muscles activating, then it is important to see a reputable women’s health physiotherapist or doctor.

Be your own advocate. Take control of your own health. Get your groove back!

Check out what the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has to say about exercise after pregnancy.

Elizabeth Evans Lyz Evans Women in Focus Physiotherapy Sydney, Australia women's physiotherapist diastasis recti pelvic floor health strength weakness anna kooiman postnatal prenatal fitness strong sexy mammas new york charlotte moms mamas mommas mu…
Elizabeth Evans Lyz Evans Women in Focus Physiotherapy Sydney, Australia women's physiotherapist diastasis recti pelvic floor health strength weakness anna kooiman postnatal prenatal fitness strong sexy mammas new york charlotte moms mamas mommas mu…

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Strong Sexy Mammas

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Check out my online fitness membership subscription, Strong Sexy Mammas. Watch the promo video below to see what it’s all about!

Let’s train together!

XO Anna

The information on and is general in nature, but not one size fits all. To get the full picture, it is important to see a reputable women’s health physiotherapist or doctor.

Be your own advocate. Take control of your own health. Do your own research. See an expert. Get your groove back!

Check out what the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has to say about exercise after pregnancy.