How to Return to Running Post-Pregnancy
After we give birth... the thought of running and jumping for many of us is... 🙄
Heavy boobies... extra 'baby weight'... the thought that... 'I want to get in shape again... But... If I run or jump... my insides just may fall out of my lady bits!' Or... my hips hurt... Or... my back hurts... blahhhhh😫
My Strong Sexy Mammas program teaches ladies like me to listen to our bodies and recognize ways it is telling us we are pushing too hard.
WATCH: In this Strong Sexy Mammas (women’s at-home fitness) interview…
You will learn: The importance of gradual progressions. The most powerful way to prime your pelvic floor before workouts. Why getting your CONFIDENCE back after baby is even more important and satisfying than getting your "body back!" My workouts are all about starting slow and progressing as you get stronger. We bring the FIRE when you're ready for it!! But there is something to be said about taking small steps to get you running and jumping again.
While some programs advocate going hard and fast early... I know through all my education, first hand experience as a mom, and as an certified personal trainer - that this increases our risk for injury.
Our tissues are still soft and our hormones are still in a different state. Returning to running too soon can lead to prolapse (“Pelvic organs may bulge into the front wall of the vagina (cystocele), through the back vaginal wall (rectocele or enterocele) or the uterus may drop down into the vagina (uterine prolapse). More than one of the pelvic organs may bulge into the vagina. (info from Continence Foundation of Australia.”).
A big thanks to physical therapist, 'Dr. Bri' from for this chat!
Check out Strong Sexy Mammas for all things fitness related to pregnancy, post-pregnancy, and beyond. We are unique. We do pelvic floor activations INSIDE our fitness classes. Found out why!
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas, Sydney, Australia
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas, New York City
JOIN Strong Sexy Mammas for female specific workouts that offer prenatal and postnatal modifications! Safe. Fun. Effective.