Posts tagged fitness expert
'Corrective Exercise' What is it? And how does it ease aches and pains?

The posture of parenthood is a 'slouch' --- let's change that!

So many movements cause us to constantly hunch forward. From nursing and bottle feeding in awkward positions, to the repetitive bend down and pick little one up from the crib, stroller, floor, or carseat - they can cause aches and pains.

Plus! We are so much more accustomed to ‘sitting’ than our ancestors who got a lot more incidental movements in during the day.

I have spent a lot of time getting educated through women’s fitness certifications. If you wonder how I choose which exercises to put in my classes. Here are a few of the reasons!

I’ll bet you can guess some of the most common complaints I hear from women (especially in the prenatal and postnatal period).

Can you relate to any of these?

If so… My Strong Sexy Mammas workouts can help!

-tight hips - pelvic and pubic pain

-weak glutes - flat bum

-weak abdominals - bulging belly - diastasis recti

-sore lower back

-sore upper back

-weak shoulders

-incontinence - weak pelvic floor

In today’s interview, I chat with James Goodlatte from Fit for Birth (fitness certification company for pre and postnatal corrective exercise + diastasis recti core consultant program).

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