Posts tagged pelvic floor
Abs After Baby. Sit-Ups and Running May Do More Harm Than Good.


👙 Abs After Babies! I have the secret sauce. And it’s not 1000’s of sit-ups. And it’s not running and jumping right when you get doctor clearance for exercise. Those things can MAKE YOUR BELLY BULGE MORE and lead to bladder leakage, back pain, poor posture, low energy, and just being in an overall bad mood!!!

I want to help you RUN and JUMP again!

But we need to heal our stretched tummy muscles and pelvic floor first. Even if that's years after delivery a baby!

I want to be able to run and jump when I’m in my 70’s.

Hell.... 80’s!! Let me show you how to get the results you want that LAST!!!!!

I teach specific exercises in a specific order for new Mammas. This helps us rebuild our body safely. Brick by brick. And then get back to running and jumping for the LONG HAUL.



Anna and the Strong Sexy Mammas

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How Mammas Can Reset for 2021: Fitness, Nutrition, Mindset

💥 January is going to be an INSANELY productive month for our tribe, Mammas!

Our signature 6 week programs take off January 11th.

Fitness. Nutrition. Mindset.

2021 Mamma Reset!

✅ Pregnancy Fit School - All trimesters.

✅ Mamma Fit School - three different tracks for post-pregnancy, progressive, and strong

⭐️ COUPON CODE: 2021RESET to Save 50%

BONUS: In addition to the 100+ videos in your on-demand library, We will also have LIVE Zoom classes we're fondly calling 2021 Mamma Reset (replays will be in your Gold Member Library). Bonus LIVE classes start January 1st/2nd so sign-up for the Gold Membership if you haven't. WATCH your email for the Zoom link.

I believe in you!

🧠 Brain health. 2020 has taught us what’s important in life. So I want to share some of the benefits beyond the flat tummy @strongsexymammas are becoming known for. Exercise is proven to boost mood & improve cognitive function while reducing anxiety, depression, & low energy. I try to coach my girls to a place that is definitely challenging— but not belt them so hard every day they are too sore to move or end up injured. Core stability is SOOOO important for long term fitness. And if you can’t stick to something long term—- what is the point?!

🌟Coupon Code: 2021RESET for 50% off membership through Jan 11, 2021.

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Doctor Post-Pregnancy Fitness Tips

WATCH the short post-pregnancy Q and A I did with Dr. Jill Gamberg from Double Bay Doctors. (Be sure to ALWAYS listen to your own medical carer’s advice first and foremost.)

ANNA: When can new mothers return to low impact exercises?

DR. JILL GAMBERG: New mothers can return to low impact exercises at around 6-8 weeks. If the delivery was complicated or there were any birth injuries, recovery time may be longer, and the return to exercise may be delayed.

It is important to check with your GP, midwife, physiotherapist or obstetrician before returning to exercise after childbirth. Mothers who have issues with incontinence, or develop incontinence once re-starting low impact exercises, should seek professional help before continuing.

There are general guidelines from the Australian Continence Foundation to follow to help plan your return to post childbirth fitness:

  1. 0-3 weeks after delivery:

    1. gentle walking

    2. abdominal muscle bracing (tightening your abdominal muscles without movement)

    3. pelvic floor exercises

  1. 6-8 weeks after delivery (wait until your six-week doctor/midwife check before starting a group exercise program or going back to the gym):

    1. walking

    2. low impact aerobics or post-natal classes

    3. low intensity water aerobics class and swimming (once vaginal bleeding has stopped)

    4. gym program (light weights)

    5. abdominal muscle bracing

    6. pelvic floor exercises

  1. 8-12 weeks after delivery:

    1. follow the same guidelines for 6-8 weeks, gradually increasing your intensity and weights

    2. progress your postnatal abdominal muscle bracing

    3. continue pelvic floor exercises

  1. 12-16 weeks after delivery:

    1. consider seeing a women’s health physiotherapist for abdominal and pelvic floor muscle testing before returning to high-impact exercise, running, sport or abdominal exercise programs

  1. 16 weeks and more after delivery:

    1. you may be able to return to previous activity levels IF your pelvic floor muscles have returned to normal and you are not experiencing any back pain, vaginal heaviness, or urinary incontinence during or after exercise

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Doctor Pregnancy Fitness Tips

Anna Kooiman of Strong Sexy Mammas interviews Dr. Jill Gamberg about the following:

1. Why exercise is beneficial for mom & baby?

2. How much exercise do we need each week?

3. No contact sports or those that risk falling— but does that include things like bike riding & snow skiing?

4. Avoid hot Pilates and hot yoga.... or exercising in hot & humid outdoor conditions.... why?? And does this also mean we should stay out of the sauna, steam room, & hot tub?

5. How intense should we exercise? Why do we use RPE & talk test rather than heart rate?

6. How heavy or light should weights be for classes?

7. Why is it important to pay attention to our pelvic floor for both short term and long term health?

8. How can certain exercises help and hurt our chances of abs separation?

9. Old recommendations to stay off back completely.... have been replaced with something less strict- why? And how do we know if we should be conferenced and get off our back?

10. Is it okay to run and jump in pregnancy? How much? And how do we know if/when we should slow down?

11. Every women is different. Every pregnancy is different... what are some common aches/pains/issues to be aware of as it relates to exercise? (incontinence, pelvic pubic pain, round ligament pain, back pain, swelling, carpal tunnel)

12. Breathlessness... how do we know if it’s something to be concerned about?

13. Basic water & super quick nutrition tips?

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Physiotherapist + Ultrasound = How to Activate Pelvic Floor and TVA Correctly

Reasons we practice diaphragmatic breathing, pelvic floor and TVA activations in my Strong Sexy Mammas women’s online fitness classes:

-Improve Back Pain

-Make Labor & Delivery Easier

-Flatten Post Baby Belly

-Reduce Incontinence Issues

- Decrease Stress

-Lower Risk of Abs Separation (AKA Diastasis Recti)

-Reverse Muscle Imbalances

-Release Toxins

-Encourage Body to Rest, Rebuild, Restore

-Set Foundation for More Difficult Core Exercises

WATCH: I hope my ultrasound helps YOU! It can be hard to know if we are activating our pelvic floor and TVA correctly. I think this video will help! I just went to a 37 week pregnancy appointment with Anna Scammel, a women’s health physical therapist practicing in Bondi Beach, Australia.

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