Anna Kooiman Anna Kooiman

Are Smoothies or Juice Healthier?

WATCH: 🍓 To juice or not to juice?

In my opinion... smoothies are way better. One of the many reasons is the crazy amount of fiber we lose when juicing. Fiber helps us full so we don’t reach for processed junk food. It also keeps away constipation which can mess with intra-abdominal pressure while we heal our core and flatten our tummy post baby.

My suggestion for home juices or smoothies?!!! Chuck it alllll in there so we don’t lose the fiber. Blend with frozen berries for sweetness and frozen banana or avocado for smoooooothness! And a little Greek yoghurt for protein.

I often even sneak in a little cucumber and my toddler loves it.

We also put them in the freezer and make them into popsicles.

☔️ This was a perfect rainy day activity for us too. Leave me a comment with what you like to throw in your smoothies?


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Anna Kooiman Anna Kooiman

Abs After Baby. Sit-Ups and Running May Do More Harm Than Good.


👙 Abs After Babies! I have the secret sauce. And it’s not 1000’s of sit-ups. And it’s not running and jumping right when you get doctor clearance for exercise. Those things can MAKE YOUR BELLY BULGE MORE and lead to bladder leakage, back pain, poor posture, low energy, and just being in an overall bad mood!!!

I want to help you RUN and JUMP again!

But we need to heal our stretched tummy muscles and pelvic floor first. Even if that's years after delivery a baby!

I want to be able to run and jump when I’m in my 70’s.

Hell.... 80’s!! Let me show you how to get the results you want that LAST!!!!!

I teach specific exercises in a specific order for new Mammas. This helps us rebuild our body safely. Brick by brick. And then get back to running and jumping for the LONG HAUL.



Anna and the Strong Sexy Mammas

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Anna Kooiman Anna Kooiman

Stop Planking During Pregnancy - Here's How to Modify

Ya’ll know how much I love intense exercise. But plank exercises need to be modified in later stages of pregnancy.

Diastasis recti or abs separation risks are increased when women plank during pregnancy. Plank exercises must be modified as our pregnancy progresses and our bellies get bigger.

Diastasis recti after pregnancy can lead to a bulging ‘mum tum,’ back pain, muscle imbalances, pelvic floor dysfunction, etc.

In this video, I share how to modify plank exercises like push-ups and mountain climbers to protect our tummy muscles. Pelvic floor, transverse abdominis, and diaphragmatic breathing are also covered.

If you want to get back to running and jumping after having babies… it’s a good idea to be diligent about looking after the integrity of your belly tissues and pelvic floor during pregnancy and the early post-natal period in particular.

My Strong Sexy Mammas fitness classes are PERFECT for this! Check them out. Try a 7 day free trial. What do you have to lose!?

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Anna Kooiman Anna Kooiman

'Corrective Exercise' What is it? And how does it ease aches and pains?

The posture of parenthood is a 'slouch' --- let's change that!

So many movements cause us to constantly hunch forward. From nursing and bottle feeding in awkward positions, to the repetitive bend down and pick little one up from the crib, stroller, floor, or carseat - they can cause aches and pains.

Plus! We are so much more accustomed to ‘sitting’ than our ancestors who got a lot more incidental movements in during the day.

I have spent a lot of time getting educated through women’s fitness certifications. If you wonder how I choose which exercises to put in my classes. Here are a few of the reasons!

I’ll bet you can guess some of the most common complaints I hear from women (especially in the prenatal and postnatal period).

Can you relate to any of these?

If so… My Strong Sexy Mammas workouts can help!

-tight hips - pelvic and pubic pain

-weak glutes - flat bum

-weak abdominals - bulging belly - diastasis recti

-sore lower back

-sore upper back

-weak shoulders

-incontinence - weak pelvic floor

In today’s interview, I chat with James Goodlatte from Fit for Birth (fitness certification company for pre and postnatal corrective exercise + diastasis recti core consultant program).

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Anna Kooiman Anna Kooiman

Physiotherapist + Ultrasound = How to Activate Pelvic Floor and TVA Correctly

Reasons we practice diaphragmatic breathing, pelvic floor and TVA activations in my Strong Sexy Mammas women’s online fitness classes:

-Improve Back Pain

-Make Labor & Delivery Easier

-Flatten Post Baby Belly

-Reduce Incontinence Issues

- Decrease Stress

-Lower Risk of Abs Separation (AKA Diastasis Recti)

-Reverse Muscle Imbalances

-Release Toxins

-Encourage Body to Rest, Rebuild, Restore

-Set Foundation for More Difficult Core Exercises

WATCH: I hope my ultrasound helps YOU! It can be hard to know if we are activating our pelvic floor and TVA correctly. I think this video will help! I just went to a 37 week pregnancy appointment with Anna Scammel, a women’s health physical therapist practicing in Bondi Beach, Australia.

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