beauty, hair Anna Kooiman beauty, hair Anna Kooiman

How to Keep Blonde Hair Healthy and Bright, An Interview with my Hair Stylist in Sydney

Want to know how I keep my blonde hair healthy and bright? It’s not always easy. Being out in the sun and swimming in salt water can really dry out my hair. I had a bad experience when I was pregnant where my hair became so dry and brittle it was like straw. I’m not sure if it was because I became so low on iron or what. I did have to have an iron infusion because my levels got so low. Babies suck everything out of us don’t they!? LOL All worth it of course but that was tough. My energy levels were so low and my hair looked bad!! I did a lot to get it back to where it is now. Watch this interview I did with my favorite stylists in Sydney to see what they advised! Stylist Bondi Beach. Woot woot!

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