Posts tagged bondi beach
Why Birthing Classes are Empowering

I have never spent a lot of time thinking about how good, bad, or ugly labor and delivery would be. Never spent a lot of time of course- until the last 8 months of my life growing this baby! The more I've read and chatted with other moms, the more I've started getting really scared and anxious about it. People don't talk a lot about how grueling labor and delivery can be. We are just supposed to think of it as a beautiful thing since we are bringing a beautiful life into the world. But it is daunting- mostly because of the unknown. I have been trying to change my mindset a bit the last couple of weeks. I'm starting to think of it like one of the many marathons and triathlons I've completed over the years. Mind over matter... You can do this! 

This weekend my husband and I are taking our birthing classes. A lot of my girlfriends who are moms have been telling me... "Get ready to feel empowered!" I think they are right. Knowledge is power and there's comfort knowing my husband will be there to coach me through it. There's comfort knowing women have been doing this since humans first walked this Earth. After much consideration about where to get educated on the ever important birthing process, I have decided I want to take a holistic, scientific evidence backed approach, with a program founded here in Sydney, Australia.

My husband and I have chosen She Births. It incorporates active birthing, yoga, massage, nutrition, acupressure, breathing, relaxation, & effective partner support. I interviewed the founder, Nadine Richardson, about how moms should choose a birthing class that's best for them, when it's best to take classes, why they are empowering, and what separates She Births from other courses.

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The Best Baby Cribs, How to Pick One

As a first time mom, I am so so so excited about setting up the nursery. It feels like such a right of passage as a woman - and it makes this whole pregnancy thing seem REAL!

When it came time to choose the perfect baby crib, I had so many questions. After a lot of research about safety and a lot of scrolling through my Instagram feed at cute possibilities, I settled on a lovely white crib by Incy Interiors. It should be arriving any day now. I can't wait! I imagine a lot of you will have the same questions I had when I started this process, so I wanted to go to an expert for you! 

I asked the founder of Incy Interiors why she started the company and why she continues to be passionate about helping new moms find the perfect cribs/cots for their nurseries. Here is Kristy's response and a Q and A about how you can choose the best crib/cot for your needs. You will notice that Aussies call the piece of furniture 'cots' while Americans call them 'cribs.' 

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Tips to Style Your Bump from 'Ripe Maternity' and Yours Truly

Now that I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy, I feel like I finally have maternity fashion figured out! Ha! But I have to say in the first few months, there was a lot of trial and error. It's a funny spot for all of us first time mommies to be in. First we notice that we just look a little thick, bloated, or chubby and we don't know how to keep looking and feeling great in the fashion realm. We also don't know what we need to buy and what we can skip in order to save some cash.

Then once the big bump actually comes in, we enjoy feeling our bub kick, twist, and turn in our tummies... and also enjoy people knowing we are pregnant and not just packing on the pounds!  We are then left to figure out what we can wear that will accentuate our cute baby belly, and conceal some of the less flattering body changes that come along with pregnancy. We are also again left wondering what maternity fashion pieces to invest in and which ones to pass on to save time, money, and precious closet space!

So what has worked for me? I have found the two pairs of maternity jeans I invested in early on have each been worn about 1,000 times. I have a few body con dresses that I have worn for television gigs, parties, or nice dinners. Long flowy dresses with empire waists have also been a staple - particularly as I have been getting bigger and more uncomfortable! In fact, as I creep toward due day, my fashion has really been heading in this direction! ! When I'm not in activewear, I am almost 100% of the time in a long dress and Birkenstocks. This combo covers up my fluid filled legs and ankles - and supports my aching feet! I have also found BIG accessories work wonders with a simple black dress.

As you will notice from my social media posts, I have had a lot of luck at Ripe Maternity. The clothing is good quality, on trend, and many pieces can double as nursing attire once baby arrives.

Below you will find a Q and A with the co-founder and creative director of Ripe Maternity, Lisa Balakas.

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Embracing My Changing Body and Connecting with Baby: Practicing Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy is amazing. But to be real, it ain't all pretty, is it ladies? Anybody else missing their ankles??? Mine are currently 'cankles' (calf+ankle). More on that in a moment, but first, let's chat about the miracle of life.

9 months to make a baby. 9 months. That's it! It all happens so fast and it is truly amazing what a woman's body can do in such a short time. I think that's one of the biggest takeaways I have from the last 8 months of my pregnancy. Growing my little human has been the coolest thing to experience. It feels particularly real at the moment as he loves to let me know whenever he's awake. This little bub is constantly doing Turbo Kick workouts with some jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts... "OWWWW... that was a rib!" And he also enjoys tap dancing on my bladder... "Bathroom! I need a bathroom!" 

In all seriousness, pregnancy makes me proud to be a woman. Proud of what my body has proven capable of doing, and proud of the even crazier feat (labor and delivery) that will come in just a month. This mindset of mindfulness has been fostered by my practice of prenatal yoga. 

Prenatal yoga has helped me emotionally connect with my baby and also served me well for embracing all the changes happening in my body. Whether a short meditation, a few good stretches, or a full on prenatal yoga group practice, it does a mind and body good. Pregnancy hormones are the real deal. I have found my practice brings me peace.

Now back to my CANKLES!! I went to my OBGYN a few days ago concerned because I am currently holding a lot of fluid in my legs and feet. Jiggle jiggle! By the end of the day I have been feeling like a character from Monsters Inc! The morning I went to the doctor I did the press test right when I woke up. What's the press test? Well, I was pressing my swollen ankles for a few seconds to see what the skin would do. What do ya know, even after having had my feet elevated on a pillow all night, the skin would just dimple, and stay sunken in. Eek! I was worried it could be a sign of preeclampsia, so booked an appointment.

Fortunately my doc says my blood pressure is still looking good and there's nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, it's just one of the joys a large portion of us pregnant women have to deal with during the late stages of the third trimester. The chilly water at Bondi Beach (where I live in Sydney, Australia) has been great for ridding my body of edema, even if it is short lived and the swelling returns. Prenatal yoga is another great tool in the box. I have been doing a trick I learned in one of my classes. I lie on my back with my bum pushed up against a wall and keep my legs perpendicular to the floor. This helps the extra blood flow back where it's supposed to be instead of in my mushy, marshmallowy ankles! 

Prenatal yoga is great for dealing with swelling, aches and pains, positive visualization for labor and delivery, and most importantly - preparing our racing minds for the stresses of parenthood. As for the CANKLES - they are just par for the course!

Below you will find an interview I did with my favorite prenatal yoga instructor, Nadine Richardson. Enjoy!



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How to Prep Your Pup for Baby's Arrival

As I count down the day's until may baby's arrival, I can't help but wonder what it will be like to have my first born 'real' baby meet my first born 'fur' baby! HaHa I want to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. Baxter is a 100 pound yellow lab that has been my rock for nearly 11 years. I’ve had BaxMan since he was a few weeks old. He’s lived with me in Ohio, North Carolina, three New York City apartments, San Francisco, & now Sydney, Australia. He is one cool pup.

As I imagine most of you at home would agree, these fur babies truly are part of the family, aren’t they? So what happens when our families expand? How do our animals react to the new pecking order? What can we do to ensure our homes are not only safe environments, but also happy environments, free of unnecessary tensions?

Below you will find a Q and A with Baxter's doctor from Bondi Vet, Dr. Kate Adams. Dr. Adams is one of the brilliant vets who helped save Baxter from the infamous corn cob that nearly took his life a couple months ago. Read the piece I wrote for Fox News here.

I have found Dr. Kate's answers very useful in my quest to make my home both baby and doggy friendly. I hope her answers resonate with you or someone you know!

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Benefits of Having Pets and Babies in the Same House

Pets and babies. Do they mix? Absolutely! Thank goodness that’s the answer celebrity vet, Dr. Kate Adams gives to that question. Of course I already knew the answer to that question seeing as though Baxter and Brooks are already best mates! Take a look at the fun chat Dr. Kate and I had about all the benefits of having animals in the house. So often you hear about the negatives. Well… we are sharing several positives! So what good things are associated with lifestyles which include pets? Everything from greater socialization skills to better gut health to lower rates of asthmas and respiratory illnesses.

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9 Months Pregnant, Final Beach Workouts with Speedo Fitness Club

I'm 9 months pregnant and about to pop! But I want to stay motivated until bub arrives. I feel as big as a whale and I've been dealing with a ridiculous amount of swelling in my feet, ankles, and legs, In fact I wrote about my 'cankles' in this piece for Fox News. But I feel so much better when I am active. So as long as I can, I'll be doing modified workouts.

I do plan on slowing down even more once I welcome my little man into this world. Along with the mommy/baby bonding, I also think recovery is so critical for both the mind and body.

In this video, Speedo Fitness Club manager and trainer, Levi Darby leads me through a less intense version of three exercises safe for month nine of pregnancy. Levi says his number one tip is to listen to your body. This is not the time to be increasing fitness levels. He also says to make sure not to let your heart rate or blood pressure get too high. And make sure to stay hydrated. Levi recommends focusing on low impact exercise and movements. Carrying the extra weight of your bub adds pressure to your joints as well as inflammation so avoid any sudden impacts or movements likely to aggravate. Practice positions that help prepare your body for birth. Deep squats are great for encouraging your pelvis to open and for your bubb to move into a great position for birth.

My friends, I truly hope these tips help keep you motivated though your pregnancy the way they have motivated me! As always, remember to always consult with your doctor.

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