How I Switched Careers from TV News Anchor to Entrepreneur and Fitness Trainer

Anna Kooiman Strong Sexy Mammas The Wel Michelle Boyd Entrepreneur

Motherhood has created the biggest identity shift of my life. Can you relate?

Between our new responsibilities, the hormone shifts, the body changes, and on and on and on.

I also had a major identity shift going from successful television host in New York City to mamma, entrepreneur, and women’s fitness trainer.

It has NOT been an easy transition. But it feels like the right one.

If you would like to hear about what this transition has been like for me - and why my work is enriching my life - please listen to my guest appearance on Michelle Boyde’s Floetic podcast, The WEL. I hope it inspires you to follow your heart.

You can listen here on the Floetic website. Or on Spotify or Apple Music

The Wel Floetic Michelle Boyde Anna Kooiman Strong Sexy Mammas Entrepreneur