Posts tagged kegel balls
Where is my pelvic floor and what causes pelvic floor weakness?

If you ask someone where their pelvic floor is and what it does -- I imagine 9 out of 10 people only know part of the answer.

Maybe you're one of them. That's okay!!

I was even confused before doing my own research and becoming a Pre and Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist.

That’s why I created my FREE Pelvic Floor Guide for Busy Moms.

You can visualize the pelvic floor as a hammock or sling that holds up your uterus, bladder, and bowel. Their openings, the vagina, urethra, and anus pass through the pelvic floor.

A well functioning pelvic floor is associated with less bladder leakage. Yay for not pee-sneezing every time you get sick or pee-laughing every time you find something crazy funny!

A well functioning pelvic floor is also associated

What Causes Pelvic Floor Weakness?

What causes pelvic floor muscle weakness?

Here are a few...

🤰 pregnancy

🤱 childbirth – particularly following delivery of a large baby, instrument delivery like vacuum or forceps, or prolonged pushing during delivery

🏃‍♀️ running and #jumping too soon after having babies or late in pregnancy when the core is weak

🍭 being overweight

💩 constipation (excessive straining to empty your bowel)

🏋 persistent heavy lifting without proper core engagement

😷 excessive coughing – causing repetitive straining

❤️ changes in hormonal levels at menopause

👵 growing older

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