Posts tagged anna kooiman fashion
Modern Moms Dress to Impress with Breastfeeding Friendly Fashion

I love fashion - beautiful dresses in particular. But it can be a massive challenge trying to feel feminine and fabulous when making sure I have easy access to 'the girls' in order to nurse my baby boy. I've made a conscious effort to seek out fashions to make this special time in my life a little easier. Because let's face it. It can be stressful to have a crying hungry baby out in public, trying to feed in peace. I believe wearing stylish nursing clothes will help me stick to my commitment to breastfeed Brooks. It seems every credible health (including WHO) or parenting website I go to recommends babies get human breastmilk for at least the first 6 months of their lives. So let's explore a few ways to stack our wardrobes with flattering clothes and accessories that take the stress out of it.

Although there are certainly days when I don't venture out of my activewear, don't wash my hair, or put on a stitch of makeup - for the most part at least once a day, I like to look halfway put together. It is easy to lose our identity as new moms. Putting all our time, energy, and effort into our bubbies, forgetting about what makes us feel like ourselves - particularly when we don't physically look or feel like our old selves. Nursing fashion has come a longgggg way! Even my friends with kids a few years older say they can't believe how the market and industry has evolved.  Nursing tops and bras have too. Medela offers several styles. At least one has holes complete for helping mamas pump!

Below you will find a Q and A with the founder of an amazing clothing retailer dedicated 100% to helping new moms look and feel great while nursing their babies. Verity owns Breastfeeding Wear Australia and has impeccable taste that won't break the bank! The fashions are all breastfeeding friendly, but not necessarily designed for nursing. You will want to wear these threads even when your infant grows out of the breastfeeding phase!

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How to Prep Your Pup for Baby's Arrival

As I count down the day's until may baby's arrival, I can't help but wonder what it will be like to have my first born 'real' baby meet my first born 'fur' baby! HaHa I want to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. Baxter is a 100 pound yellow lab that has been my rock for nearly 11 years. I’ve had BaxMan since he was a few weeks old. He’s lived with me in Ohio, North Carolina, three New York City apartments, San Francisco, & now Sydney, Australia. He is one cool pup.

As I imagine most of you at home would agree, these fur babies truly are part of the family, aren’t they? So what happens when our families expand? How do our animals react to the new pecking order? What can we do to ensure our homes are not only safe environments, but also happy environments, free of unnecessary tensions?

Below you will find a Q and A with Baxter's doctor from Bondi Vet, Dr. Kate Adams. Dr. Adams is one of the brilliant vets who helped save Baxter from the infamous corn cob that nearly took his life a couple months ago. Read the piece I wrote for Fox News here.

I have found Dr. Kate's answers very useful in my quest to make my home both baby and doggy friendly. I hope her answers resonate with you or someone you know!

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Should I Eat My Placenta?! I'm Researching the Concept

"I'll have bacon, eggs, and a side of PLACENTA, please!" Wait, what's going on here? What world are we living in? 

I recently got into a funny television exchange about placenta encapsulation (steaming, drying, and consuming placenta in a vitamin-like pill form) while guest hosting my favorite Aussie morning show, Studio Ten. The topic came up during the commercial break, and given the hosts' intrigue with the concept, it was worked into our hot topics of the morning. Although not particularly common, each of the hosts had heard of the practice and all had different ideas on how it could be consumed. Raw? Fried in a pan with your breakfast? Baked like a brisket? Lolli-pops? Combined in a smoothie? Dried and encapsulated?

Most mammals eat their placenta after birthing their offspring. But does that really mean humans should be doing it too? Most other mammals also don't go to college, live in air-conditioned homes, or drive cars to work. But, for all the naysayers, I've had a couple friends tell me they ate their placenta after childbirth, and highly recommend it. The reasoning? It is believed, by some, to carry a whole host of benefits such as assisting with milk production for the all important breast feeding - and helping keep away postpartum depression.

The minimal scientific studies that have been done seem to be inconclusive as to the benefits, but that doesn't stop women from raving about it. A large amount of information I have found comes from published anecdotes from women who have consumed their placenta post childbirth and are true believers. They say it's helped their ability to  breastfeed and bond with their newborn, decreased blood loss, and improved mood and energy levels. On the flip side, many medical minds are skeptical, and strongly warn against it if the mother has an infection.

So here goes... Should I eat my placenta!?  I can't say it's a question I thought would be coming up a few days before I go into labor with my baby boy. Although the concept may sound quite out there, I am open to trying alternative practices, as long as reputable doctors (including my trusted OBGYN) don't think there is potential harm.

My baby boy is due any day now, so if this is something I'm going to try, I need to know it is safe, and I need to make sure a highly regarded placenta specialist is available. As part of my research, below you will find interviews I've done with Dr. Jill Gamberg, a General Physician from Bondi Doctors and Georgie Jhet, a doula who specializes in placenta encapsulation (recommended by my acupuncturist). If you are considering this practice, make sure you consult with your doctor first.

Ladies! Check out the full Q and A's below and let me know what you think. Is this too weird? Or is it something that will become mainstream down the track? Be sure to comment on my Instagram, Facebook, Twiiter, and YouTube pages.

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Preggo Go To: Long Sweater and Maternity Leggings

Over the next few days I'll be showing off a few ways to style the bump while wearing non-maternity clothes. It can get a bit pricey to purchase a whole new wardrobe... particularly when you're only going to be wearing it for a few months. So for my moms-to-be.... I hope the next few posts give you some ideas to pinch some pennies!

 I just got back some New York City snaps from a few weeks ago (I was about 26 weeks pregnant). The photoshoot was with Anton Lombardi in collaboration with KK Bloom Boutique. About this particular look, owner, Kendrick Allen says, "Adding length and a little cold shoulder is super cozy and extra flattering."  For me, it's pretty basic. Leggings and a long, loose top is a no brainer. Unfortunately it's not just our bellies that get bigger... our bums too! The longer top is great on days we aren't feeling like attracting echoes of Sir Mix a Lot!

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Baby Blue Dress for Baby Boy on the Way

I had the pleasure of filling in on Studio Ten today for their entertainment hosts/reporters. We chatted Janet Jackson, Star Wars, Christian Bale, Harrison Ford, and more! It was fun spending some time in the hair and makeup chair for this flirty and feminine look! I was never allowed to wear my hair up in the past... so this was an extra special look to go along with my extra special addition.... the bump! I will be 21 weeks along this Friday. 

Scroll down to watch the behind the scenes video and also a couple clips from the show today! The dress is by Eliza J. I got it from a little boutique here in the Double Bay neighborhood of Sydney. I found the same dress for you linked below... but only in a deeper blue and black. I love the scallop detailing and off the shoulder sleeves. I decided to wear the sleeves up this time to cover a little more in the chest region! LOL The funky earrings and white link bracelet are from JCrew in the US. The shoes feature a feminine ruffle, stiletto heel, and lace up back. They are by an Aussie designer, Tony Bianco. I think he is my new favorite! Look him up!

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Anna Kooiman Announces Pregnancy on Aussie Morning Chat TV Show

I'm pregnant! My husband and I are expecting a baby boy. He is due on January 26, 2018.... which is Australia Day! How about that!?! All the scans/ultrasounds have gone great so far and I am crossing my fingers for a healthy, non-dramatic pregnancy. The first 13 or so weeks I was incredibly exhausted and off and on nauseous... but I am feeling great now! Happy to have my usual energy back!

I had the privilege of sharing my news on my favorite Aussie morning chat show, Studio 10. They were so sweet! And the reveal was kinda funny! I had been concealing it for almost 20 weeks! The hosts were initially asking me if I was hiding something in all my social media pictures I had been posting recently. The photos from my Asia trip were quite funny... hiding behind friends, a hat I was holding in front of my belly, even standing behind a sumo wrestler in Tokyo! hahahaha Then when I made the big announcement the producers gave the crew the go ahead to blow gold confetti all over the set. It was quite spectacular and 100% a surprise to me! This show has been so good to me since moving to Australia. I regularly appear as a guest host on the show. Also, when I'm lucky I get to fill in for their entertainment hosts/reporters are on assignment or vacation. They have really made me feel at home. Tim and I plan to have the baby in Sydney. It's nice to be getting to know a new TV family along with Tim's incredible extended family and friends here in Oz.

Scroll down to watch the TV clip and also to #getthelook If you like the off shoulder black dress. earrings and shoes... they are from Kookai (a store I recently discovered here in Australia). The white link bracelet is from JCrew in the US.

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