Early Core Exercises After Baby Delivery
🚨 Ab Rehab! I am 3 weeks postpartum with Annabel. Restore your core with me. Whether your kids are 3 weeks old, 3 years old, or 30 years old... these simple exercises will serve you well!
🔖 SAVE this post using to watch later if you don’t have time right now. Send it to your girlfriends too. Core restoration is not talked about enough and many women injure themselves by doing improper exercises at the improper time.
👌In this video, I go over three valuable exercises that work the pelvic floor, diaphragm, and transverse abdominis to help flatten tummy after baby, get pelvic floor functioning properly, improve posture, decrease back pain, lower stress, improve intimacy, etc. The potential benefits are endless. If you have a few minutes - watch til the end and follow along with me. Head to strongsexymammas.com for coached workouts with Anna Kooiman. We have a brand new *6 week challenge* starting soon! Reserve your spot by joining our full year or monthly membership. Places are limited! Don't delay!
These exercises can help you get back to high impact exercise in a shorter amount of time. Some women never get back to high impact exercise. Building a strong foundation is so important!
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas, Sydney, Australia
JOIN Strong Sexy Mammas for female specific workouts that offer prenatal and postnatal modifications! Safe. Fun. Effective.
Anna Kooiman, Strong Sexy Mammas, New York City